No Sjees or Sleigh will be complete without the beautiful wood carvings. Every object must be unique, and therefore the most wonderful designs have been made. It happened in the past, still happens now. We try to reach for the highest results.
Choosing the perfect wood, using great old fashioned tools, taking all the time we need, and most of all, we try to bring our heart and soul into the wood.
Putting all these parts together will realize a real piece of art. Baroque, Rococo, Empire or just quiet, everything is possible.
When we finish the object we can use natural oil, but also beautiful rich paint, or bright gold leaf. Your dream can become reality. Most impressing are the incredible sculptures which decorate the more valuable sleighs.
Dragons, Lions, Eagles, Horses, Mystical figures, or floral creations, they all are made thanks to ancient craftmanship.
We try to reach the same level as all those artist long ago.
We are so proud to get the chance to save the treasures of the past , but also to create new things, which,... hopefully ,,, become part of our futur culture.